How can you find intention in your life, if you struggle to find intention in your thoughts? Did you know your thoughts are the driving factor of everything in your reality? Our minds delete, distort and generalize everything happening around us in all moments.
To find clarity in the mind is process of connecting to the truest desires of your heart. This is the greatest gift of doing the inner work. I invite you to start your journey with the intention of self-awareness. In all moments allow the things going on around you to become a mirror of your thoughts and actions. What are you thinking? To find any solution we must face the problem straight on. When you become self-aware without judgment is when you can begin to shift the perspectives of your realty.
So lets Clear the mind.
How you ask?
Expanding the space in your thoughts is like toning a muscle at the gym. One intentional moment after another. And to be intentional is the activation of your creation. Your job is not to question or judge the things your thinking about just let the thought come out.
Release it all:
To-Do Lists
Conversations you want to have
Conversations you have had
Conversations that will never happen
What is on your mind? & How does it feel?
Memories, good and bad
People that come up
Your Hopes
Your Dreams
Your Desires
Your Manifestations
Your Gratitude
Your Creations
When you start writing down all the thoughts you come up with, in a single day, you will be surprised how quiet your mind can become at night.
If you do not have the language to fully express your feeling through your language, try expressing through other forms of release ||Paint ||self care || what ever your soul desires|| Meditate|| music and movement || breathing || The goal is self expression with out judgement.
Dedicate some time to this. May it be a week, a couple weeks, soon enough the extra talk will start to settle. Making room for your priorities. and more intentional and aligned thoughts. Move forward with grace and enjoy the process. Be Flexible. Remembering that the destination is at the end and all of this, and may that day be long from now. To live a fulfilled and purpose driven life. Many Blessings on your path.